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Managed Services

Nightingale Managed Services for SMEs

Crossword’s Managed Cyber Security services ensure that your organisation identifies and mitigates cyber risks, understands its overall security posture and the effectiveness of systems and controls, and is sufficiently prepared for a cyber-attack.


The service provides 24/7 access to our team of cyber experts, should a breach occur, who will be able to respond faster and more efficiently with a preparedness project in place.

Service Philosophy

Centred on extensive visibility

Utilising technology with dependence

Evolving rapidly and unhindered alongside the emergence of nascent threats, our platform never becomes legacy.


Malicious behaviour is not always anomalous, and anomalous behaviour is not always malicious.

Beyond managed software

Coupling technology and expertise together to proactively identify the precursors of cyber attacks to avoid incidents becoming breaches.

A truly cohesive service with support from cyber analysts to help you mitigate threats, reducing the time and resources spent on keeping yourself secure.

Focused on visibility, not consumption

A holistic overview of your IT systems, without leaving gaps in visibility which could be exploited.


Our managed services operate as inclusive fixed price services, ensuring the service is always effective without being limited by consumption-based costs.

Independent protection and assurance

Dedicated and specialist response to the proliferation of cyber attacks.


Demonstrate externally validated security practices to customers, stakeholders and partners.


Service levels designed for your organisation

Essential Threat Detection

For smaller and start-up organisations with 5 to 30 staff in unregulated industries.


Threat exposure is to industry-targeted malicious cyber activities attempting to take advantage of vulnerabilities introduced into systems and processes from immature

cyber controls.


Overall goal is to improve cyber security and to protect your IT system integrity

Comprehensive Suite

For larger or regulated organisations with up to 1,000 users.


Threat exposure is to high exposure to advanced, systemic,
and sustained malicious attacks. Distributed data, heterogenous technology environments and unsupervised users introduce multiple threats from multiple actors.


Overall goal is to develop robust cyber security.

Proactive Threat Management

For larger or regulated organisations with up to 1,000 users.


Threat exposure is to organisation-targeted malicious activity
to compromise or extort systems or data where there are known vulnerabilities. Multiple systems, network and business
processes increase attack surface.


Overall goal is to protect your IT system integrity and to develop robust cyber security.

Find out the details of all modules included within each service, contact us

Business Meeting
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